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Dancing Warrior Yoga

One to One Yoga

One to One yoga with Mathew Bergan or Clare Lovelace at our St Peters studio

Cost $120 per session – $40 per additional student

$500 for 5 session (introductory offer)

One to one Yoga tuition caters for all individuals requiring a specialised therapeutic yoga program. Whether you are on the road to recovery — post injury, or a special needs client, each session focuses on facilitating body movement and restoring muscular and skeletal imbalances.  Individual programs are tailored and practiced each session using joint mobilisation techniques, muscular  stretching and strengthening, postural stabilisation methods, breath work, meditation and relaxation.

We encourage people to commit to a 5 week training program attending once or twice each week. One to one sessions are designed to fit you! You might enjoy a more personalised yoga session, without the company of others. Some of our clients practice one to one yoga to enhance their sports programs, while others come to us with specific requests like:

  • “I would like to strengthen my body and gain better flexibility”.
  • “Can you please teach me how to switch my mind OFF, it keeps me awake at night?”
  • “My breathing is rapid and sometimes interrupted. Can you teach me more about yoga breathing?”
  • “I suffer from anxiety and I’m a self confessed stress head. Can you please teach me how to chill-out?”
  • “I have a high powered job, managing staff and also my family. I want to be both physically and mentally fit and focused at all times. I have heard that yoga can help me?
  • “Im not ready to practice around other people just yet. I would like to practice privately before I jump into yoga classes”.
  • My body is aching all the time, I feel stiff, tired and stressed most days. Will yoga help me?”
  • “Can you please teach me how to do the splits. Ever since I was young I have wanted to do the splits?”

Our one to one sessions are quick to locate physical and mental blockages, and help you to build physical confidence and mental clarity. Some clients have been training with us twice a week for the past 5 years as they enjoy this tailored experience.

Sessions can be held either at our ST PETERS studio or at your own home or workplace. Interested in Corporate Yoga? Our workplace corporate yoga is a great way for companies and organisations to build team morale and enjoy down time together. To learn more please visit workplace corporate yoga. Please contact us by phone or email for details and pricing, or drop in for an Open Class, to make your inquiry.